Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lame Blogger

I have been slacking big time on the blogging business!
Please forgive my lame and lazy ways, 
but i just had a child and he is my center of the universe :D
Don't believe me?
I have the pictures to prove it, 
Obsessive compulsive picture taking is also proof of my new parenting skills
anything my munchkin does seems to be cute or amazing in my eyes :D

He yawns

He sleeps

He takes a bath

He falls asleep chilling with dad

He even smiles :p

I will have more, i am sure, and they might all look the same to you
but to me they are all different and i can even tell how much the lil alien whom used to inhabit my belly is growing and changing by the hour!
I might be becoming a momzilla after all!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wyatt Soren Bogart

Oh baby baby
it has been a rough 9 (but really 10) months.
It was a hard delivery too
but since June 1st, 2011 at 1615
all i can think about is you 
even with the angry faces !
8 lbs and 11 oz 21.1 inches
all to snuggle with mommy!
i promise your plump face will eventually go away 
and those old man wrinkles will too
but cant promise we will stop taking pictures of you
even when you don't look at your best :D
It will be something to embarrass you with once you grow older :D
Now get ready to learn spanish, because that is all i am going to talk to you!
We can make fun of your dad, since he cant understand us :P
Te quiero mi amor! <3


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