Monday, December 21, 2009

Nashville, thank you

So this weekend we went to Nashville with a few friends and we got a hotel room so we wouldnt have to drive back after a night of excess, wich we all knew it would happen specially being our last weekend in the area.
I had a blast, but everytime we go to Nashville, something bad happens! I truly hope i dont ever have to go back to that city of the devil.
Because of the sleek roads and my high heel pumps, now i am on crutches. It happened across the street from our hotel! i only had like 20 meters to go and boom! I ate it! I sprained my ankle real bad and its the same ankle i always injured when i played volleyball. They gave me some morphine for the pain and all and i have to say i dont EVER wanna have morphine in my system! It made me trip real bad and made me sick! I much rather endure the pain in my ankle! How can people get addicted to that stuff??
Anyways, i am on crutches and i have a gel splint holding my foot. However its not getting much better and if its the same in two days, they will have to cast it! Definately dont wanna fly to Korea on a cast!!
Merry Christmas to me!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Moving starts today..

this is what some rooms of the house look like while they are packing it away :(

Today they came to pack and take away our household goods to Korea. I am at work so Josh stayed there and supervise the operation. I know he LOVED that haha. It starting to hit me that we are actually really moving in a few weeks!!
It is kinda sad to see the house like this, i love this house and its our first home.
Fare Well house on the hill!

Monday, December 14, 2009

bear with me...

I am just getting used to this blogger page, so bear with me as i am sure the page backgrounds and layouts will change A LOT. K=Just like my mood lately... :D I will soon be posting more pictures. I am still a rookie at this though , but i am liking it!

stressing out

Today , i realized we only have a week left in our house and only 10 days til we leave for Missouri! We have soooo much stil to do for the move, its ridiculous. However on a selfish note, i am glad i still have to come to work, because that means Josh will have to deal with the movers, and laundry and all that fun stuff that i so much hate!
Kudos for him though, he is doing a great job. Even so, i have a real hard time delegating jobs! So i am stressing out double!!


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