Friday, June 1, 2012

The Wyatt turns one

After a long hiatus in writing, yes i know, i have been an awful blogger. 
But life has been like a roller coaster lately, and between being in limbo for 3 months and ending up on this place, AKA Sandhills area in NC (not pretty at all) , well blogging has not been on my to do list.
This guy
has kept me super busy!

He turned one year old today and boy did he have a busy day!
He had his 12 month check up at the doctor and had 3 different vaccinations
He objected when i told him this would happen on his birthday
But it turned out to be a great day after all with daddy and mommy 
Happy first birthday to my sweet, funny, brave, crazy, stubborn, handsome, bilingual first born Wyatt Soren Bogart, you are my everything (along with your strikingly handsome daddy ) and i cannot wait to celebrate many many more years! I love you Schatzt!

In two days lil man and myself will be on a jet plane to Madrid, and 4 days after that we will be on yet another plane to London for 3 days. Then back to Spain for another week, and will be back in NC with daddy. We will miss him tremendously, but who are we kidding, Europe Vs NC?? 
 We do feel a little guilty for leaving him behind, but he will be coming back with us in August, so no big deal! 

To finish this post , one of the videos from Wyatt's cake "ceremony", just watch and judge. It was a valuable lesson of physics and chemistry all together for Wyatt. Hot surfaces coming in close contact with your moving hand.


Please forgive the mess in the background, as we just got our final shipment with all our furniture and clothes and everything we had in Korea, which went to Italy, and now is finally here. 
Thank you .


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