Thursday, December 30, 2010

18 weeks of baking :)

Today, we went to get a 3D Ultrasound! It was amazing! At just 18 weeks, the baby is so tiny, and yet the pictures have an amazing quality!
I have an alien in my belly
He/She smiles :)
He/She stretches
It looks so comfy in there!

I really wish they would have told us for sure if it's a girl or a boy!
At first the technician said it was a girl, FOR SURE. Then 5 minutes later she said it looked like a boy, she said and pointed this is a penis, but then added that the baby was "hiding the important parts" and could not be sure and what looked like a wee wee could be something else , because the baby is still so tiny :(
So i am not gonna start buying everything pink, or blue, just yet! We will wait a couple weeks and go back :) 
The korean technician kept poking and moving my belly saying "Baby, moving, Baby moving" in a cute voice so the baby would move the way we needed him to, but no, baby Bogart kept moving the other way back and forth. 
But one thing is for sure: We counted 10 fingers and 10 toes :) 

Saturday, December 4, 2010

oh, dear cold

Why can't you leave me?
After all you have been plaguing my days for over a month now, 
don't you think it is time to move on?
I know i am quite the host
and that i have been nurturing as much as i can, due to my condition, 
but this is got to stop
you are no longer welcome!
You make me sick, literally, 
here is proof of what you make me look like 
And my nose, wow , really really hates you

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The longest break

Sorry my avid readers, 
I have been ignoring the blog responsibility for quite sometime now
it turns out, 
I keep pretty busy on any given day
and have forgotten about the blog writing community
although i still read everyones blogs :)
The other day Josh took a pic of my belly, my first belly picture
and i am already showing at 13 weeks ( we think it's more than that )
On another note, 
We are trying to move to another place yay!
We want a bigger house
with 4 rooms and a lil yard 
Around June there will be a lot of traffic in the Bogart household and we need to be ready to work a mini B&B for all the visits! So excited about that! :)
So i really hope we get the house we want!
Now i have to go back to my Biology Lab class, my teacher is crazy, its like she thinks i am getting a degree on microbiology or zoology or something of that sort, since she has me writing 2 LONG essays a week, one of which has to be turned early! And 3 or 4 Lab activities! All these work for a stinking 1 credit!! Seriously?


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