Wednesday, February 24, 2010

X-Files marathon

If anyone knows me well enough, they know i LOVE the X Files. I am a diehard fan. And since Josh have been at the field, i have been occupying my insomniac lonely nights by watching episodes of it.(I own all seasons DVD lol) I love the paranormal and like Mulder, i want to believe.
There has always been this one episode though that always touches me everytime i watch it. It is called "The field where i died", and it is about past lifes. I have not watch it a million times and i am not the kinda person that remembers lines from movies and such; but somehow i know from the top of my head the introduction of it, kind of a monologue by Mulder at the beggining of the episode(Yes, i did, and probably still do have a crush on Fox Mulder lol)
so here it is, i am gonna write it down. I find it to be a beautiful paragraph:
"At times i almost dream, I too have spent a life the sage's way, and tread once more familiar paths....Perchance i've perished in an arrogant self-reliance an age ago, and in that act, a prayer for one more chance went up so earnest, so.... instinct with better light let in by death that life was blotted out not so completely but scattered wrecks , enough of it to remain dim memories as now...when seems ,once more , the goal in sight again...... and same way it came left,.... another lifetime lost without you......... i am alive forevermore."

Now i am gonna go and try to go to sleep, it is 2345 and i havent gone to sleep before 3 am in about 10 days now. I am phisically drained and my body is giving up on me now. Wish me luck and sweet dreamS!


Tuesday, February 23, 2010


So Josh is in teh field for 5 days , and it seems like foreverrrrr, i know, we are always together, and pretty much have been since we met, but still sucks, because i dont really know anybody else in this country lol
Luckily (or unluckily) i have plenty to do, since we got all our furniture last friday. The flat is such a mess! I already know the pieces of korean furniture i wanna buy for where, i was simply waiting on my furniture to see what empty spaces i had :D .
On another note, i am kinda upset because i just realized i missed the outdoor market today! I totally forgot aboout it! now i will have to wait til the 28th, but its not as big of a market.
Back i go to this boring paper i have to write yikes!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I have not been sleeping well at all lately. Even though i am exhausted some nights i am tossing and turning still at 3 am. I hope it stops soon. I think its our bed. I hate the bed we have here, but good news is, tomorrow we are getting the rest of our stuff woohooo!
more to come..... hopefully everything will be here, or else someone is going to pay! haha

Here is a pic of Josh eating his fave Korean dish, Bibimbap, he looks sooo happy haha

Sunday, February 14, 2010


So after that fake feeling holiday called Valentine's day, my lova, suprised me, yet once again and got me the coolest touch camera ever in the history of ever!
I am soooo stoked about it!
Now, i am ready to take pictures of everything and anything! I can finally stalk my blog!
to be continued....

More Godiva..... please???

February 14th! Valentine's day (wich by the way, its on the wrong date)but i totally think its a marketing tool. Last year i told Josh not to buy me anything, and he went and got me diamond earrings, wich i loved! haha but this year i told him please do not buy me anything at all, and because i know hwo he is, i told him the only thing i would want is CHOCOLATE. I dont know what it is about Godiva, i simply adore this brand and every piece is like heaven in earth lol, well maybe not so much, but almost there.
HE got me two boxes, one of truffles and one of variety and we ate them both last night haha, both of us! Each piece of chocolate i would eat half and him the other half.
Pf course this morning , after getting up at noon!!! Yes i know, we are bums. We went to the gym for a while. That indulgence was weighting heavy on my mind, so i had to do something about it! Maybe next year i will tell him to get me anything BUT chocolate!
I love chocolate almost as much as i hate the calories in it!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

busy bee

Today i realized even though i dont have a job, i am busier than ever! I cant imagina how it will be when i actually get a paying job again!
For starters, i am going to the gym everyday for about an hour and a half , more if i do my hair haha.It just takes me forever to get ready after showering at the gym, i yet have to master that art!
Then i have been volunteering at the Army Community Service Center as a Personal Finance counselor, and i really like it, but i wish i was getting paid too! I do not like not earning money as well. Josh might get to think i am a hausfrau or something crazy like that haha :P
And of course to top it off, i am going to school, even though it doesnt feel like it, since i only have one class this term. I really cant wait to go for real, and start my korean classes as well!
I have been thinking lately i need a hobby, just do not know what yet! I need some feedback!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Volunteer corps

Today i started my job (although i am not getting paid) at the Volunteer corp at Camp Humphreys.
I am volunteering my time for two reasons.
1.I have applied for a job but wont know anything til after the 10th.
2.I have found out that if i vilunteer as a Financial Advisor, i will not just be trained on the matter and get an actual diploma, but also will be able to use my hours as experience on my resume.
So yes, ultimately , i am doing it on a selfish concience. :D


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