Thursday, January 13, 2011

Choosing the one

I have been looking around for strollers, unfortunately no luck. But i remembered how much i liked my stroller i had as a child and how my sister had one too for my nieces, the same model and all.
You see, in Spain there is this brand that makes vintage carrycots and strollers
and I LOVE IT!
My sister informed me my niece's stroller and bassinet were in fab shape and it was mine if i wanted it or i could pick another one and her and brother in law would buy it for us!
Shipping could be a problem, but in my sis words :
"I will make it happen"
I knew she was my godmother for a reason :D
she is also going to be our baby's godmother
and i am godmother to both my nieces ;)
It's a vicious cycle :)
These are some pics of the models i like, more or less i just really love vintage style!

There are too many to choose from, so i guess i have a lot to decide!
In Josh's words:
"This is your department, so get it done"
What he really meant was:
"You are going to do whatever you want no matter what i say, so just do it."
Love him! <3



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