Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The naming game!

This is our baby
Our Nameless Baby at that.
Since we started looking at baby names, i had a head start
because i had this list from before i even met Josh with names i loved!
And there were quite a few names, for boys and girls.
We decided we were not gonna stress over it until we knew for sure the gender,
but we both loved one girl's name and we were pretty much set on using Clara Sabine if it was a girl
Of Course, too easy, we found out we are having a boy (hence the picture above)
So we are kind of lost on boys names, although we have a few we really love.
But hey, at least we picked a name for a girl, if we ever have one! so we are all set on that one :D
Right now all i know for sure is:
There will not be a Humphrey Bogart in this family!
Any ideas? :D


  1. we were set on clara, too! we both love wyatt and atticus from the list you gave us... in fact andrew just said "if they don't use atticus, i want to."

  2. Josh loves Wyatt, i like it a lot but not sure! I like atticus, but Josh doesn't lol
    we are looking still, but i am pretty sure we are going to use Soren, as a middle name.
    Is it bad that i was hoping it was a girl so i would not have to deal with picking a name for a boy? haha

  3. cute! i love it. let us know what you decide! i love the names henry and jefferson and graham... but, i am NOT having 3 more children, so we'll have to knock some of those names off. congrats!!



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