Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"B" is for boooo

I finally got my grade on that mandatory Writing class i had to take
A Sad B. I figured i would be able to get an A
At the end, you write about whatever you want
so who is anyone to grade you on that? lol
Anyway, i guess it isnt bad for my first class 
i have taken in like a million years.
The last paper i had was an argument paper
i chose to be Pro Stem Cell research
and i won HA
Or at least my teacher said he was now on my side
I got a 90%
So why didnt you give me an A?
Now i have 3 classes left
Bio, Philosophy and Korean
I am already annoyed with people at Philosophy class
There is this one guy who has to make notes on everyones thoughts
and ask you questions about all your positions you take
and it drives me crazy
i asked him if he was the teachers assistant and if he wasnt to stop acting like he had some kind of insight on everything
i hope i scared him
I dislike him
if he is the new Descartes,
why is he taking PHI101????
I assure you i have more insight just with 3 years of it in HS
im done talking about him
i just hope he fails 

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